2024 Cigna OAP - HSA Plan Details
Employees living outside the northwest Georgia and Local Plus markets will remain part of OAP. This plan does not apply to employees working in Hawaii; they remain on the HMSA plan. For employees in Local Plus markets, you may choose an OAP option at a higher premium. To find a provider or hospital, visit cigna.com.When planning for your health care costs and Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions, remember in-network and out-of-network deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses are all separate and do not crossover.
Mohawk is committed to providing employees a comprehensive, high-quality Medical plan. As always, important preventive health care screenings and procedures are available at no cost to you, and the Company will continue its contributions to employee Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Please note that in-network and out-of-network deductibles are all separate and do not crossover.
To find a provider or hospital, visit: Click here and select "Open Access Plus"
EE ONLY: In-Network: $2,100 | Out-of-Network: $3,300
EE+SP/EE+CH/FAMILY: In-Network: $4,200 | Out-of-Network: $6,600
In-Network - 80% after deductible
Out-of-Network - 50% after deductible
Out-of-Pocket Max
EE Only - In-Network - $6,000; Out-of-Network - None
Family - In-Network - $13,000; Out-of-Network - None